Fetching the Bride 接新娘 (Jie Xin Niang)

Before setting off to the bride’s family house, the groom will have to prepare a bouquet of flowers, ang baos (for brother gang, sister gang, matchmaker etc. ) and gifts to the bride’s family that carry the meaning of good fortune. The match maker will be the one to present the gifts to the bride’s family.
When the groom arrived at the bride’s family house, a male family member of the bride will have to open his car door, he will receive an ang bao for his effort and the groom will be given two oranges in return. The groom will then leave the oranges in the car for good luck.
At the bride’s family doorstep, the groom and his gang of brothers will be denied of entry by the bridemaids a.k.a sister gang. The sisters will provide the groom and his brothers a series of quests to perform and negotiate the price of their sisters’ ang bao. This tradition is a way for the bride’s parents to show they can’t bear to part with their precious daughter, so to take her away, the groom will have to prove his sincerity by overcoming the obstacles. The groom and his entourage will only be allowed into the house after the sisters’ are satisfied with their performance and ang bao. Do note that there is usually an auspicious time that the wedding couple need adhere to for the different wedding customs, so gatecrash activities need to be planned accordingly.
After the groom is permitted to meet the bride *cheers*, he is to lift the veil of his bride and present the bouquet of flowers to her. They will then proceed to the altar to pray to the heaven and earth as well as their ancestors.
Lastly, they will respectfully bow to the bride’s parent then leave for the groom’s place.
For Hakka and Cantonese, click here.
For Teochew and Hokkien, click here.
Rest of the Wedding Ceremonial
Betrothal Gift Ceremony 过大礼 (Guo Da Li)
Setting up Matrimonial Bed 安床 (An Chuang)
Hair Combing Ritual 上头 (Shang Tou)
Leaving the Bride’s House 出阁 (Chu Ge)
Entering the groom’s house 过门 (Guo Men)
Returning to bride’s home 三朝回门 (San Chao Hui Men)