Setting up Matrimonial Bed 安床 (An Chuang) for Hakka and Cantonese

The setting up the matrimonial bed usually takes place 3 days before the wedding. Chinese believed it would be the best if a lady of good fortune (blissfully married, in good health and has children or grandchildren) were to set up the nuptial bed. Alternatively, the groom parents or a married couple of good fortune could help with the ritual.
Firstly, the bed linen has to be changed into a new one that is of an auspicious colour (red/pink/lavender). Next, items that signify fertility and prosperity are placed on the bed. Lastly, the bed would be moved slightly to represent the positioning of the nuptial bed. For Cantonese, the bed should not be facing the door, whereas the mirror should and both items should also not face each other. When everything is in place, the ones performing the ritual will have to chant phrases that bless the couple with a happy marriage and life together.
The chant after making the bed and placing the items:
百年好合 ( Blissful Marriage)
早生贵子( Bless with Off springs )
白头偕老 ( To grow old together)
永浴爱河 ( Forever in Love)
After the ceremony, no one should touch the bed until the couple has entered the bed chamber on their wedding day.
Items to set up the matrimonial bed:
• To place on a big red plate:
➢ Even number of Oranges
➢ 2 Angbaos
➢ 1 packet of candy
➢ All items from the Gift Box 礼金
– Dried Longan
– Red date
– Lily bulbs
– Walnut Peanut
– Lotus Seeds,
– Dried Tangerine,
– Pine Tree Leaf
– Dried Melon Slice
• Fate coins 大缘小缘 (From Dowry. To place at 4 corners of bed, room, cupboards and drawers
• Antique Chinese coin (Insert 2 coins top facing into Angbaos, 1 coin per corner of the mattress and 1 coin under each pillow)
Above information courtesy of House of Etiquette
Other Wedding Traditions for Hakka and Cantonese
Betrothal Gift Ceremony 过大礼 (Guo Da Li)
Hair Combing Ritual 上头 (Shang Tou)
Fetching the Bride 接新娘 (Jie Xin Niang)
Leaving the Bride’s House 出阁 (Chu Ge)
Entering the groom’s house 过门 (Guo Men)
Returning to bride’s home 三朝回门 (San Chao Hui Men)
Japan pre-wed